This is a moment of revelation:
In 2017, my family life was shaken by a serious illness. A tumor in my stomach made it extremely painfully clear that something was wrong in my family system and that my life energy was severely disturbed.
First, I underwent a number of tests and tried desperately to get competent advice from four different doctors in three countries. No one could tell me what would happen if I did not follow the unanimous advice of all the doctors, which was: SURGERY as the first step - only then would they be able to determine what type of tumor it was. So I even made an appointment for an operation...
which I did not go to.
Instead, I relied on classical homeopathic treatment, which always stabilized me and powerfully advanced my inner processes.
At some point after eight painful months, during which I didn't resort to a single narcotic drug, to my own surprise, I realized that I would not receive an answer from outside. I had to look within and, above all, make a decision:
At the lowest point in my life so far, when I could no longer walk upright because of the pain and was deeply depressed and afraid that I would not live to see my first daughter's 7th birthday, I felt like I made a CONSCIOUS DECISION FOR MY LIFE for the first time. This decision was groundbreaking for my further healing process and I was able to get back on my feet bit by bit.
I was already familiar with the method of family constellations. Since I was now living in Hungary, I looked for a therapist nearby who worked with it and was able to immerse myself in profound healing processes thanks to her. The constellations strengthened my trust in the laws of the spiritual world, which we are so often unaware of but which are very effective. Not only does this make it possible to see where something is out of balance, but above all the all-supporting LOVE of the soul world. If this is omnipresent to us, everything in life feels meaningful and protected. If we live in harmony with the laws of the spiritual world, life leads us to deep fulfillment and health.
Since then, I have been looking for a way to inspire people to follow their own path without feeling alone and helpless and to be able to experience real healing.
When I traveled to Greece with my soul mate Gina in the fall of 2024 and was able to observe how she was tirelessly motivated to change the organization and service of various hotels with her sharp but always loving eyes of a perfectionist to make them a better place for people. She apologized to me for her "weakness" and suddenly a final piece of the puzzle fell into place in my dream image:
With her as a partner, the vision of this retreat was born in the mountains of Olympus and has been thriving ever since through our fulfilling collaboration and the immediate support of all team members!
With Silvia Ascensão we have gained a convincing practitioner and healer.
Selina, a long-time neighbor and friend, enriches our existence with her unique art and her loving, natural way of opening up a vulnerable space. I met Elke and Franz at the beginning of the year and after two weeks in which I had taken the two "strangers" to my heart because of their strikingly loving nature in a way that seemed strange to me given the short time, we said goodbye with the words that we would definitely cross paths again in this life. No sooner said than done. These two also did not hesitate when I told them about our retreat and invited them to participate.
Last but not least, we found a little treasure in the hotel and the chef Evgen Bunderla, who offers us the ideal setting for this adventure.
Together we are working on something great & I thank all the people who support our vision from the bottom of their hearts! I am deeply convinced that this retreat will change your life and that you will return to your life strengthened for your family, however it has formed in this life of yours.
By the way, my personal healing story culminated in the birth of our third child, Andor, in the spring of 2021. 💛
Main Office: Vienna
ZVR-Number 1232297038
Project location in Hungary
Jozsef Attila u. 18
H-8927 Nemessándorháza
We are grateful for every heartfelt contribution to our organization.
IBAN: AT89 2011 1845 3465 9900 – BIC GIBAATWWXXX – ERSTE Bank Wien
Copyright Academy EngelHerz 2021