Over the last decade I have been taken to various locations in Europe to work on them.
On this journey, the Divine made me aware of what this means.
Each continent has its own energy and is focused on working on a specific issue in humanity and its development.
The European continent in particular is working on the male energy that has dominated over the last millennia, with the common goal of saving, healing and liberating the feminine.
These two energies complement each other when they are in harmony. This is an invitation to every resident and tourist in Europe.
Like a human body, the planet Earth and its continents have chakras, energy centers.
This is also the case on the Iberian Peninsula: energy circulates here like in our bodies. It has 3 active chakras that I work with.
The heart chakra, for example, is located in the region of France.
As in our body, every part has a function to balance and transform blockages and energies.
The location of our retreat corresponds to the liver.
The liver deals with anger, frustration and powerlessness. These have a major impact on our lives and our relationships.
In this transition of times, we are invited to preserve what is good and also to create new things.
The future of humanity depends on this work.
Humanity has a future. What we go through and heal is up to us.
This way there can be a better and happier future in harmony.
May this place allow us to unblock and transform every issue and area of life.
Main Office: Vienna
ZVR-Number 1232297038
Project location in Hungary
Jozsef Attila u. 18
H-8927 Nemessándorháza
We are grateful for every heartfelt contribution to our organization.
IBAN: AT89 2011 1845 3465 9900 – BIC GIBAATWWXXX – ERSTE Bank Wien
Copyright Academy EngelHerz 2021