Als Ergänzung zu der intensiven Erfahrung der Familienaufstellung lade ich Dich ein, das Erlebte kreativ zu verarbeiten.
In diesem Raum hast Du die Möglichkeit, Deinen Gefühlen und Gedanken freien Ausdruck zu verleihen.
Es stehen verschiedene Materialien zu Verfügung.
Du darfst ganz intuitiv vorgehen und Dich führen lassen.
Vielleicht tauchen Symbole, Muster oder Farben auf. Hier kannst Du all dem Raum geben und es einfach geschehen lassen. Gestalte frei, auch ohne künstlerische Vorerfahrung.
So kannst Du das Erfahrene integrieren und loslassen, was losgelassen werden will. Ich freue mich darauf, Dich in diesem Prozess zu begleiten.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
Sitz: Wien
ZVR-Zahl 1232297038
Projektstandort Ungarn
H-8927 Nemessándorháza
Jozsef Attila u. 18
Wir freuen uns über jede freie Zuwendung.
IBAN: AT89 2011 1845 3465 9900 – BIC GIBAATWWXXX – ERSTE Bank Wien
Copyright Akademie EngelHerz 2021